Have you ever wondered about what’s going on behind the scenes of your own company’s website?

When you run a business, online presence is a must. There’s no way you can outshine your competition if your small company doesn’t have a website.

But your website also needs to be secure! And a long and strong password to access your data isn’t quite the definition of security.

Installing an SSL certificate though can guarantee your website is safe. You can safely showcase your products and services, without worrying your sensitive data is being accessed by someone you didn’t authorize!

Today, a beautiful graphic design and a well-optimized website aren’t enough to guarantee your clients will trust your brand. You need to do whatever you can to ensure your customers both like and trust you as a business.

In case you were wondering why SSL certificates are highly recommended, take a look at the following 7 important facts every business owner needs to know.

1. SSL certificates offer a higher level of security

An SSL certificate acts as a shield.

In fancy terms, a Secure Sockets Layer certificate allows the transfer protocol to create a security layer to add end-to-end encryption. But in other, and much simpler words, SSL certificates simply ensure the data you share between your visitor’s browser and your own server stays secure.

With the online world becoming more dangerous with every passing day, reassuring your visitors they’re browsing your actual, real website is important.

2. When your website is SSL protected, your clients will trust you more

Once your visitors feel safe to use your website to their advantage, they will immediately feel more comfortable and secure to share their personal information with you.

This is important for you, as a business. Whether your users feel safe to buy your products or simply agree to leave you their email, you’ve managed to create a bond between them and your company.

When growing your business is a priority, gaining the trust of your visitors is the number 1 step towards business success!

3. Your SSL certificate is instantly recognizable

Speaking of behind the scenes, you should know your extra security layer is instantly recognizable!

Your clients will immediately know if it’s safe or not to buy from your website. They’ll also know in a matter of seconds whether or not their email or phone number will be secure within your database.

Installing an SSL certificate on your website implies redirecting HTTP connections to HTTPS. This little aspect starts to show the moment your secure connection becomes active. And it’s good news for your business as well! Since visitors will recognize your website as a trusted, reputable source online.

4. If you sell your products online, an SSL certificate is mandatory

One of the most important facts you need to know is an SSL certificate is mandatory if you store sensitive information, such as your clients’ credit card data!

Buying online has become a common habit lately. So, if you’re offering your clients the possibility to purchase a product directly from the website, you need to install an SSL certificate right away.

5. No website is too small to be hacked

Often times, small website owners skip installing that extra layer of security. But as a business just starting out, you shouldn’t risk the safety of your client’s data, even your website is new!

Malware and web crawlers aren’t interested in the age or size of your website. It’s always your customer’s personal data they’re after. Whether you have 10 or 10,000 clients, their sensitive information is equally important.

6. An SSL certificate could boost your website’s rankings

One great and quite a useful advantage is the possible boost in your search engine rankings!

Websites with installed SSL certificates tend to be seen by Google as a trusted source. As a result, the search engine’s algorithm could favor your website and push you closer to the top.

If you were looking for ways to get ahead of your competition, give SSL certificates a serious thought. Google likes to play it safe and it rewards its users who help the web be more secure.

7. The cost of an SSL certificate is worth the investment

SSL certificates don’t come for free. But then again, they’re really worth the investment!

When you run a small business, every single client counts. And for all the reasons explained above, installing a Secure Sockets Layer certificate will ensure your customers know you care about their safety.

The cost of an SSL certificate could be significantly lower than the business you might lose. Turning clients away because of lack of security might cost you a lot more in the long run!

Do you need SSL on your site? We can install it for you.

Order SSL For Your Website Now:

SSL Installation service: $199